Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Have Faith

Day 15 - Photo 15. This is my wife Georgia. We've been married 26 years. She is my best friend, partner, mother of our three children and my best critic and photo editor. She's been the most supportive person during my entire career. And she's been very supportive of my current project. So why don't you get to see her? Well, for me, a good marriage and partnership is all about faith. I've never seen a million dollars (I know it's cliche) but I know it exists. Georgia has always been there for me. I've traveled the world, sailed the seas and gone to war. Through it all I never doubted that Georgia wouldn't be there when I returned. Don't get me wrong on this, Georgia has never stood in the shadows. She is an active partner. But, when I couldn't always see her, I knew she was there. I had faith and still do. I believe in the power of love.


Anonymous said...

that's beautiful.

tony said...

you corny old salty dog. nice.

TravelingDP said...

I like that... faith.