Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Set Free

Day 21 - Photo 21. Michael Madigan looks older than his 56 years. As I spoke with him, he stayed behind his sign speaking to me from around it's well worn cardboard corners. He tells me he's struggled with alcoholism and homelessness most of his life. He says he seen his share of troubles, had a stroke in 1995 which he says "I suppose that could've been from the drinking. I started drinking when I was 16." And though he's been sober for 12 years he currently lives in a "Set Free" home. Set Free is the street ministry dedicated to reaching out to the homeless, addicted, hopeless and afflicted.

Today Michael sat along a busy roadway with a sign advertising the home's car wash, which helps off set funds to keep the home running. He talks about a night in 2005 when he woke to find Jesus standing at that end his bed. "There he was. He's just standing at the end of my bed. Smiling at me. And then (Michael snaps his fingers) he was gone. But, he was smiling. I figured he must of been happy with me."

Michael looks around the corner of his sign. Smiles and says. "I moved in here to get close to the Lord." And I found myself moved as Michael connected with me. I hope you get closer Michael. I hope the Lord sets you free. Sets you free, my brother.

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