Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why These Two?

They'd accepted the possibility of it before I did.
I tried to talk them out of it.

They felt as though it was coming.
I denied it.

Each of them had readied themselves for what they saw as inevitable.
I wouldn't accept it.

Today it happened.
But knowing it, didn't make it any easier.

Today we laid off two very good people from my photo staff. Jeff Malet, deputy photo editor, a fine photographer, videographer and longtime friend. And Eric Reed, an exceptionally thoughtful photojournalist, storyteller and another friend. I was humbled by the grace and dignity that each of them displayed in the face of such a horrible turn in their lives.

At the end of the day, I'd still not put away the photo equipment they'd turned in. I expected it to take on some anthropomorphic quality...perhaps explain what had just happened...perhaps explain why it happened to these two never did. It just sat there. I finally put everything away. I wanted to be mad. But, I wasn't sure who to be mad at. In the end, I've decided placing blame, pointing fingers or throwing rocks will only serve to diminish the character and decorum that I witnessed today. Still, we add two more people, and their families, to the rolls of the unemployed.

Send good energy, prayers and wishes toward our friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you left all that stuff out yesterday. I think it had an impact on everyone who walked by.

Empty space eventually fades into the background, but you can't ignore a table full of camera equipment.