Thursday, December 3, 2009

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again!

We've spent the last 20 years, or close to that, (pick up last year's thread) sharing Thanksgiving with Georgia's uncle and his wife (Don and Terry Green) in San Luis Obispo.

I'm not share how it started, and I suppose it doesn't really matter at this point. It has become a great tradition. Our children have grown up with wonderful memories of Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, it is the only memory of Thanksgiving they have...sharing that week with Don and Terry.

I asked them for some of their favorite memories. Here they are in no particular order, along with photos, in no particular order.

Walking on the beach and playing in the tide pools.
Hanging out and looking out the back windows from Don and Terry's.
Visiting Montana De Oro State Park and watching the Monarch butterflies.
Shopping and walking around downtown San Luis Obispo.
Thanksgiving dinner.
Playing in and cutting down the reeds.
Walking on the beach.
Visiting the Children's Museum downtown San Luis Obispo.
Riding ATVs.
Oh yeah...and eating!

Thank you Don and Terry for being such a rich part of the tapestry of our lives! See you next year.

1 comment:

Cheryl Martin said...

As the parent of adult children, I know how heartwarming it is to hear them ask "Do you remember when we......?" and it is in reference to a family trip, vacation, unplanned adventure, etc. You and your wonderful wife are building those type of never-forgotten memories for your children. Way to go my friend!!